Jumaat, 17 April 2015

Rentetan Peristiwa Yang Membawa Kepada Kematian Ah Tee


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Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign

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Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign


片刻,我和两位女同学还发现她先生怒望着我们这一桌的同学们。其实我们也不认识她先生所以没交流。直到旁晚10点,突然餐会里走来两位年轻人大概20出头。叫我先生出来聊聊,由于都不认识所以拒绝。可是他们还是把我先生叫了出去,离我们同学们大概10工尺左右。我总觉得不对劲所以叫了同桌的几位男同学过去看看什么事。就这时候,那位女同学的先生谢文隆(谐音)拿起空的红酒瓶走过来就恐吓男同学们说 “不关你们的事!你们坐下!” 话畢就冲了过去。那两位年轻人就试图一人一边困住我先生的双手。随后,谢文隆就不停的用他手上的红酒空瓶往我先生的头部乱击直到空瓶破掉为止。混乱中我多次大声哭喊还试图去阻止他,可是还是太迟了。我先生已不省人事的倒在地上,在我抱着我先生哭喊的时候他趁机上车逃去。一切都发生的太突然,几位男同学马上把我先生送进中央医院急救部。抵达急救部时,医生发觉我先生已经休克没有心跳。抢救了30分钟终于有了心跳,可是还未度过危险期。


星期一(13/4/2015)早上8点多,大医生巡访时,检查我先生的眼孔是发现眼孔胀大而且对光线没有反应。医生经已确定和宣布我先生大脑已经死亡(脑死)。事发至今,警方尚未把在潜逃的凶徒捉拿归案。此凶徒住在拉坑(Rahang Kecil)铁道旁的某神庙。


Source Info:Soofern & Tecklan Chin

 Picture on the (left), suspect by the name of Seh Woon Loong, 45, (Right), Mrs. Cheah accompanying her husband by his side.
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Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign

Wife seeking justice for comatose husband.
Date of incident: Saturday, 11th April 2015, Time: 8:00 pm
Location : Fook Sing Restaurant, Seremban

My husband, myself and some of my old school classmates were invited to attend a full-moon party of one of my classmate's younger brother's baby. The dinner was held at Fook Sing restaurant, Seremban. 
We were happily talking about the old times with our classmates whom we have not spoken to for a long time. One of my old classmates came over and sat with us. After some chit chatting, she decided to take a group photo before returning to her seat with her husband at another table. As our tables were facing each other, we noticed that she was being scolded by her husband.
After a while, we notice that my friend's husband was staring at us angrily. We do not know her husband and neither did we talk to him.
Around 10:00 pm, two men in their 20's arrived at the dinner party and asked my husband to go out for a chat. As they were unfamiliar to us, my husband declined politely. The men however insisted and walked with my husband for about ten meters. 
I felt something was amiss, so I asked a few male classmates to go over and check what was happening. 
My classmate's husband Seh Woon Loong (suspect) walked over with a red wine bottle and threatened my friends, while shouting "Sit down, this is none of your business!"
I rushed over to my husband. However by that time, the men had already grabbed my husband's arm tightly. Then Woon Loong started hitting my husband's head continuously with the wine bottle until it shattered. 
I screamed for help and tried to aid my husband but it was too late. My husband was already unconscious, lying on the floor. I clung to my husband crying as the assailants left the venue.
It all happened so quickly. A friend sent my husband to the hospital shortly after the ordeal. 
At the emergency ward the doctor noticed that my husband's heart had stop beating and they tried to resuscitate him. The team of doctors and medical officers managed to get a pulse shortly after but he was still in critical condition.

Sunday (12th April 2015) The doctor came later in the afternoon with the results from the brain scan and told me that there were multiple blood clots and the brain showed signs of swelling. Due to a weak heart, the doctors could not operate on my husband immediately and instead he had to rely on life support machines and medication. A surgery can only be performed after the heart has stabilised. 

Monday (14th April 2015) At 8:00 am the doctor visited the ward to do preliminary tests and found that my husband's eye pupil were dilated and that he did not respond to light stimulation. The doctor did further tests, and finally concluded that my husband is brain dead. 
Police are still searching for the suspect. The accused's last known address was 281, Rahang Kecil which is nearby a temple.

Please me share this information as I seek justice for my husband. Kindly contact the nearest police station if you have knowledge of the suspect's whereabouts or has information leading to his arrest. 

Source Info: Soofern Cheah, (Translation credited to Anthony Ooi)

Source Info:Malaysian Crime Awareness Campaign

Seremban: Seorang lelaki tidak sedarkan diri selepas dikatakan dipukul dengan botol arak dalam pergaduhan di hadapan sebuah restoran di Taman Harapan Baru, di sini, Sabtu lalu.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 10 malam itu, Chin Teck Lan, 42, bersama isteri dan beberapa rakan makan di restoran berkenaan sebelum dia didatangi tiga lelaki yang memukul kepalanya dari arah belakang.
Isteri mangsa, Sai Shu Fong, 42, berkata, sebelum kejadian mereka duduk di sebuah meja dan secara kebetulan terserempak dengan seorang wanita yang dikenali suami serta rakan.
“Suami memanggil wanita itu untuk duduk dan makan bersama kami. Namun, beberapa minit kemudian seorang lelaki dipercayai suami kepada wanita terbabit tiba bersama dua rakannya.
“Saya melihat tindak-tanduk lelaki terbabit yang sering memerhati suami saya, seolah-olah tidak berpuas hati. Lelaki itu kemudian memanggil isterinya ke meja mereka dan berlaku pertengkaran sebelum beredar,” katanya ketika ditemui kelmarin.

Sumber Info:Raja Noraina Raja Rahim (node44044)
Khamis, 16 April 2015 @ 7:45 AM

Seremban: Seorang lelaki yang koma selepas dihentak botol arak dalam kejadian pergaduhan di hadapan sebuah restoran di Taman Sinar Harapan Baru di sini, lima hari lalu, meninggal dunia pada 6.30 pagi ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Seremban, Asisten Komisioner Muhamad Zaki Harun berkata, mangsa Chin Teck Lan, 42, disahkan meninggal dunia di wad Hospital Tuanku Jaafar (HTJ) Seremban di sini.
Menurutnya, pihaknya kini menukar siasatan daripada Seksyen 324 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mendatangkan kecederaan parah kepada Seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan atas kesalahan membunuh.
Katanya, pihaknya sudah mengenal pasti suspek namun usaha mengesan suspek terbabit masih giat dijalankan.
Harian Metro hari ini melaporkan seorang lelaki tidak sedarkan diri selepas dikatakan dipukul dengan botol arak dalam pergaduhan di hadapan sebuah restoran di Taman Harapan Baru, di sini, Sabtu lalu.

Sumber Info:Raja Noraina Raja Rahim (44254)
Khamis, 16 April 2015 @ 4:21 PM

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