Selasa, 28 April 2015

Telur Ayam Terkecil Di Dunia

Sumber Foto:Mirror

SEORANG kanak-kanak perempuan di Britain mendakwa salah seekor ayamnya telah menetaskan telur terkecil di dunia yang dipercayai lebih kecil daripada wang syiling 5 pence.Shannon Hayes, 12, dari Capel Iwan, Carmarthenshire berkata, dia turut melakukan kajian sendiri menerusi Internet untuk memastikan telur dengan ukuran 1.8 sentimeter (sm) tinggi itu adalah paling kecil berbanding rekod sebelum ini.
"Saya sangat yakin ia adalah yang terkecil walaupun ia belum disahkan oleh rekod dunia secara rasmi," katanya lagi.
Menurutnya lagi, dia telah menyimpan telur tersebut di tempat yang lebih selamat.
Pada 2011, seorang penternak di Amerika Syarikat mendakwa ayam peliharaannya telah menetaskan telur terkecil di dunia berukuran 2.1 sm.
Bagaimanapun, rekod tersebut telah dipecahkan oleh ayam ternakan digelar Muffin di Somerset yang telah menetaskan telur 0.2 sm lebih kecil daripada yang direkodkan kira-kira tiga tahun sebelum itu.

Sumber Info:Wartawan Sinar (1.384466)
28 April 2015

It's no yolk - a schoolgirl reckons her pet chicken has laid the world’s smallest egg.

Shannon Hayes, 12, spotted the minuscule egg, smaller than a 5p coin, next to the ordinary sized-produce in her hen coop.

And the shell-shocked youngster did research online to reveal the 1.8cm high egg is the tiniest - ever.

Shannon said: “I’m confident it’s the smallest. It is very tiny - and you wouldn’t want it for breakfast.”

She keeps seven hens which lay eggs at the family home at Capel Iwan, Carmarthenshire - but she’s not sure which laid the thimble-sized egg.

Her gran Pamela Hayes, 58, said: “When Shannon found the egg she was scared of dropping it when she brought it to the house.

”We couldn’t believe our eyes because it is just so small compared to all the other eggs.

“As far as we can see there is no official world record, but the smallest that we have found so far was bigger.”

In 2011, an American farmer claimed his hen laid the world’s smallest chicken egg, measuring just 2.1 centimetres in length.

But that was beaten in 2014 by an egg one millimetre smaller in size, laid in Somerset by a hen called Muffin.

However, Shannon’s perfectly-formed egg is at least two millimetres smaller than that - just 1.8 centimetres in length.

She has ruled out making a tiny omelette with the egg - and has put it in the fridge for safe keeping.

Pamela said: “Everyone says it’s a cracker.”

Source Info: Luke Traynor
18:01, 23 April 2015

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